What is Household Garbage?

North American averages generate 4.87 pounds of garbage each day. For a family of four, this is almost 20 pounds of household waste. This amount of garbage would fill the standard 10-yard dumpsters available for residential dumpster rental in six months. And that’s just one household.

What is household garbage exactly? What makes it different from other types of garbage?

What is considered household garbage?

Different household garbage

Household garbage is any kind of waste from homes or households. This includes single- and multifamily homes, crew quarters and bunkhouses, apartments, and condominiums.

Some laws, however, also consider waste from hotels, motels, and ranger stations as household garbage.

Other names for household garbage include domestic waste and residential trash. Sometimes, household garbage from a particular community or municipality can be called municipal solid waste.

There are many items that could be considered household garbage. These items can further be divided into different categories.

Sorting household garbage

You can categorize household waste based on its composition, disposal method, safety hazards, and other factors.

Separating household waste into solid and liquid is a great way to improve household waste management. Then, we can sort the items according to their best disposal method.

Solid Household Waste

Solid household waste is made up of many products or items we use every day and then throw away. It includes product packaging, paper, batteries, and grass clippings. These household garbage examples can be separated based on the composition of each item into one of these categories:

Plastic waste. Plastic bags, bottles, jars, and bubble wrap are all examples. Many plastics can be recycled, even though they aren’t biodegradable. It is better to not mix plastics with regular waste and to take them to a recycling center.

You can recycle paper waste. Most paper waste comes from newspapers, cardboard, product boxes, and packaging materials. These can be easily recycled and reused so it is a good idea to bring them to a recycling center.

Metal waste. Tins and metal are best collected for recycling. Additionally, electronics can produce a lot of metal waste, which can be classified as hazardous household waste.

Glass and ceramic waste: This includes bottles, jars and broken plates, china, and other similar items.

Organic waste: This includes vegetable and fruit scraps as well as meat scraps and grass cuttings. You can make compost from organic waste. Properly disposing of organic waste can lead to methane production. It is best to inform the dumpster rental company about this type of garbage.

A good dumpster rental company can help families or individuals who are too busy to separate their garbage. All materials that can be placed in dumpsters are allowed, including paper, metal, plastic, and ceramic waste. Many dumpster rental companies will take care of sorting out clients’ garbage for proper disposal and recycling.

Liquid Household Waste

The bulk of household garbage is usually defined as solid waste. This refers to the waste that is generated, thrown away, and transported to landfills or garbage dumps. It is important to remember that household garbage can also include liquid waste.

These are some common examples of liquid household waste:

Kitchen cleaners

Floor cleaning products

Furniture polish

Window cleaner

Towel or bathroom cleaner

Laundry soap and detergent in liquid form

Oils, fats, and grease are all part of cooking

Products for personal care such as nail polishes, perfumes, and facial serums

Regular vs. Hazardous Household Waste

Any household waste that can safely be thrown in our dumpsters or landfills is considered regular household garbage. Hazardous household wastes, on the other hand, are any trash that could pose a threat to our environment or our health.

Hazardous household waste refers to products that could catch fire, explode, cause reactions or generally be toxic. This category includes many liquid household wastes. This includes:

Antifreeze, brake fluid, and motor oil

Herbicides and pesticides

Aerosol cans

Paint thinner, varnish, and paint

The majority of household cleaning products

Proper Household Waste Management

It is important to know what household garbage is and how to dispose of it. This is an important step in improving the environment and cleanliness of the community.

This article was written by a hauling service professional. At Par Hauling Solutions located in the heart of Largo, we are a full-service hauling and dump trailer rental company that can haul just about anything in the Bay Area. Our professionals have over 10 years of experience and can provide dumpster rental in St. Petersburg FL for large-scale construction and renovation projects as well as smaller dumpsters for residents.

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